Blemished skin - Face masks

Homemade Face Masks for Blemished Skin

· Making a paste by combining dried and powdered lemon peels ,orange peels, and plain yogurt is useful in treating blemishes. Follow this remedy on a regular basis for a few weeks.

· Simply applying a combination of one part of apple cider vinegar and eight parts of water is highly beneficial for curing blemishes and dark spots.

· Another easy beauty recipe to lighten blemishes involves using a mixture of half teaspoon of extra-virgin olive oil and a quarter teaspoon of lemon juice.

· Soak 8-10 almonds in water overnight. In the morning, peel their skin and grind them along with one teaspoon of honey and one and a half teaspoons of lemon juice.

You may add coconut milk as well. Smear this paste on your skin and leave it for 10-15 minutes to get soft, blemish-free, and glowing skin.

• Dip a cotton ball in a solution of one tablespoon of milk mixed with a teaspoon of orange juice and rub it on your face. Finally, wash it off after 15-20 minutes.


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